

There are people who are prepared to travel to where you are. Please think about the following before making contact with us as you would be responsible for the following:

a. Getting a small group together.
b. Finding an appropriate place for it to be held (space to build a lodge and light the fire).
c. Collecting enough dry firewood (about 1/2 a cord).
d. Knowing where to get some green willow stakes (about six metres long).
e. Being able to contribute to the travel costs of the person who will pour the sweat and helpers (if required).
f. To be negotiated…Finding 28 Volcanic rocks
g. To be negotiated…Contributing old blankets and polythene for the construction of the temporary lodge.
h. Koha/Donation. We would be happy to come to you but would like our costs covered.

SunDance Aotearoa